Saturday, 14 September 2013

Welcome to my room!

Hello there my friends! 
I have to friendly apologize for not blogging lately but these several weeks was just
crazy! School started and I have my free time very often now... Also I got a flu and I'm 
sick so now I'm sitting in my room and drinking hot tea with honey all the time... Talking
about my room I decided to tidy it (as you already know I'm going to have a cat so I'm prepare for him to arrive be in my apartment). So if I did it already why not to show it to you!  

I think this should be enough... I would say this is a little sneek peek from my crib 
but I will post more if my room will change again. So I hope you enjoy this blog 
and I will be posting a handbag blog like I have promised before and I didn't because of the flu and the school but I will be able to post it tomorrow :D Bye by now and stay tuned!

  > The creamy cat 

  P.S.- Don't be scared if I post something else tomorrow - if it's not the handbag then         something else DIY :D

Monday, 2 September 2013

Life Lately

 Hello there! These free , hot  summer days past by and I was busy so haven't got much time to do blogging... I'm sorry... So as I said summer past by and yesss it's finally fall! But on the other side that's not a very great thing at all... Today was the first day at school and I still can't believe summer's gone. This year I have lot's and lot's of new different kind of stuff and things to go and do but yea on the other side I'm happy that school started. I kind'a miss my daily routine - everyday is like a new adventure to me :D The big and great news is that I'm finally going to have my very own KITTEN! I might possibly going to buy him on September so I'm SUPER exited about that! I will post pictures of him when I get him :D Other great news , maybe mostly for me , my birthday is coming! I's going to be on November 20th. and there will be pictures too tho... So yea I think this will be enough for today's blog and I'll see tomorrow with my new DIY post about a handbag I made :D So stay tuned and bye!  

   > The creamy cat